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Pneuma-Engage is a fighting game concept that I have been developing, and have designed a concept art book for. Fighting games for me are some of the best instances of displaying who a character is through their design, not needing to know anything about a character before wanting to invest into and immerse yourself as them.

My Other Work

This is a piece that was commissioned to be applied as the cover of a hitbox controller. The layout for this piece was designed with button layouts in mind. Above the drawing is the finished product, which was assembled by the client.

This is a piece that was commissioned to be wood burned as the design for a wooden DM screen for D&D, as shown above the drawing. The wood burning was performed by the client.

About Me

Self Portrait New.png

Hey, I'm Andrew,

I'm an illustrator who specializes in Character Design. I also have a variety of other design skills, such as general Graphic Design and Scenic Art.


What I love about Character Design is getting someone to connect with a character based on simply what they can see, communicating personality and history through perceptible features.

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